
Thursday, 14 November 2013


Last weekend sparked an incredible love affair with the city of Edinburgh. It was a very brief, very fast paced stay, and it was the most fun I've experienced in a number of weeks. Although it was freezing, with the sky constantly a threatening shade of steely grey, I couldn't not love this city! It was lush green, with rolling hills, and so much life! I think it made me realise just how used to London I must be getting, because the entire time I couldn't stop myself from thinking how much open space and so little people there were! This, of course, is completely inaccurate as Edinburgh is a city bustling with life- but compared to the constant traffic and crowds of London - a place where the term 'personal space' is given new meaning- it felt so open! We arrived running on just 20 minutes sleep as we had been completely inundated with work projects the night before and didn't stop- literally- until we flew out two days later. I couldn't think of a better way to spend a much needed break than with my favourite wee Scottish friends- thanks for having us!

1 comment:

  1. Such gorgeous photos. I went to Edinburgh last summer and loved it!
    Lucia's Loves
